The University of Iowa encourages bicycling as an environmentally-friendly and healthy alternative form of transportation on campus. The bikeway plan establishes a future vision of an interconnected bikeway system that can easily be navigated by campus riders. This component of the master plan showcases accessible bicycle parking points and serves to promote ridership and further encourage commuter use through non-motorized methods. The bikeway plan strives to strengthen and expand the bikeway network and improve interconnectivity amongst Coralville and Iowa City systems, as well as to establish wayfinding through sound sight lines, system design, and signage. The League of American Bicyclists has designated the University of Iowa as a Silver Bicycle Friendly University.
Bikeway Goals and Objectives
Expand the bikeway infrastructure to improve mobility.
• Strengthen and expand the bikeway network and improve interconnectivity amongst Coralville and Iowa City systems.
• Provide an east-west bike path to connect campuses.
• Coordinate design for seamless transitions.
• Establish wayfinding through sound sight lines, system design, and signage.
Improve the integration of bikeways, motor vehicles, and pedestrian systems.
• Place adequate bicycle parking at a safe distance from building entries and in a way that does not conflict with pedestrian movement.
• Create a variety of bike parking options to support program needs.
• Employ appropriate levels of shared and dedicated bikeway systems.
• Improve intermodal intersections.
Promote increased bicycle use and reduced dependency on motorized vehicles.
• Increase ridership.
• Place an emphasis on resources that improve commuter use.
• Improve one’s experience using the bikeways system and take advantage of site assets including the Iowa River, open spaces, and event spaces.
• Establish an on-campus bike share program.
Establish a sustainable bikeway system physically, operationally, and economically.
• Continually educate the University community regarding the bikeway system.
• Enforce policies, procedures and regulations for biking.
• Establish ways to increase funding.
• Create an operating plan that includes continued maintenance of improved bikeway infrastructure.

Goals and Objectives PDF
Strategies PDF
Bikeway Strategy
Strategy one
Strategy two
Strategy three
Strategy four
Master Plan GIS Interactive Map