Real Estate Management
The Business Manager oversees all leases, easements, and real estate transactions at the University. By state law, most leases, easements, and real estate transactions (acquisitions, gifts, transfers, and sales) must be approved by the Board of Regents. For more information, view the Board of Regent's Policy on real estate transactions. The Business Manager's Office generally prepares all leases and amendments along with coordinating actions that require approval from the Board of Regents.
If you are interested in leasing property off campus and you have a source of funds, you must first obtain approval from your departmental head/Dean. After that, contact Linda Annis to obtain more information regarding the procedure and time frame for identifying possible leased space.
If you have questions on gifting a property, please view
If you own real property that is adjacent to campus boundaries and are interested in selling of the property, please contact David Kieft or Linda Annis at the Business Manager's Office to discuss the University's current real estate acquisition criteria.
If you have a question regarding a University-owned property that is located in a residential district, please contact Linda Annis.
General Number: 319-335-1968