- Promote the University’s mission of education, research, public service, and health care.
- Focus on students and patients as a priority, followed by faculty, staff, and visitors.
- Support the University’s operational and strategic planning teams.
- Better align operational needs with facilities. Be program driven.
- Embrace a diverse cultural atmosphere.
- Demonstrate professional stewardship of the University’s resources.
- Integrate the surrounding environment into the campus landscape.
- Strengthen and support the University’s image and identity as a national leader in higher education.
- Encourage interaction and collaboration within the University and amongst the surrounding communities.
- Maintain an accessible campus by eliminating physical barriers.
- Promote educational, operational, and environmental sustainability.
- Maintain a safe and secure campus.
- Develop an ongoing, integrated, and comprehensive planning process.
- Establish and embrace a strong urban design framework.
- Keep, define, and strengthen physical program neighborhoods.
- Enhance campus open space, edges, and gateways.
- Create a sense of place specific to the University of Iowa.
- Provide a friendly, safe, and welcoming atmosphere to students and visitors.
- Become a pedestrian oriented campus.
- Protect natural areas that provide environmental benefits.
- Improve the high visual quality of the campus.
- Optimize the highest and best use of University buildings and grounds.
- Maintain a reliable, energy efficient utility infrastructure.
- Recognize the Iowa River as an asset within the University environment.
- Develop the tri-part student success concept (academics, social, services).
- Prioritize the use of the Pentacrest buildings for academic programs.
- Reduce the dependency on motor vehicles. Promote alternative modes of transportation.
- Reduce vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian conflicts.
- Enhance and increase the amount of open space devoted for student use.
- Create architectural guidelines and design standards.
- Provide pedestrian friendly pathways throughout the campus.
- Improve campus wayfinding.
- Develop a campus bikeway system that is integrated with the community.
- Maintain a University Space Plan that informs the University Campus Development Plan.
- Improve the use of our current building space.
- Increase flexibility of building spaces so they can be easily adapted.
- Protect building assets, especially those in the flood plain.
- Improve the unique integration of the campus with downtown Iowa City.
- Improve the planning and use of all University properties.